Last ride of the season 2011
Saturday was last ride this year.
Rychlik p 1831 Jordán odjídí z Praha hl.n. v 8:43. Vlak nečeká na žádné přípoje. Uschova během přepravy rozířená přeprava spoluzavazadel, předevím jízdních kol. Praha-Hostivař 8:56 Čerčany 9:21 Beneov u Prahy 9:31 Střezimíř 10:14
Ve ctvrt na jedenact vyrazime ze zastavky Strezimir a pojedeme po hrebenech nad Prciceme pres Sedlcany na Neveklov, smerem k Sazave a dale ku Praze jak komu libo.
For me personally and honestly for my bike it was last ride ever.
I started in prague - fighting with pensioners for seat's in train. Sure I did lost even my seat while manipulating my bike in cabin corridor on stops.
Outside tempreature was somewhere between 0 and 8°C. I have been with friends riding great outdoor track from ''Sudomerice u Tabora'' to ''Sedlcany''...
Actually my bike is in inconsistent state from August. It's has smashed bearings in midpoing where pedal clique touches bike frame. Of course, that was no reason to say NO to my friend Stanislav. So I get going. As Martin said later, it doesn't seem that it's last ride this season but last hour of your bike ever. Sure that was a mistake to take bike in such condition for this event. Whistles and squeking after few minutes of hard pushing into clicques was something like blowing off your ears from head. :-). Rock mettalist would be happe to hear this instead wearing an ipod.
Well my bike survied at the end. What was a surprise not me. Few km's and ''Drobecek'' hill past our lunch stop ''Sedlcany'' my energy and leg power was totally drained. The sun was on a way down so we decide to divide. Group did continued to ''Cercany'' and I did choosed closes way (25km) to railway station 'Olbramovice' (roads only:).

Even the hassle, that was great event. Excellent weather with clear sky and sunny day. Even frost and cold conditions. Couple of remarks - Calvados is not just an alcolhol but a tasty apple as well. November seenms the most dangeros for bikers - it's not cold, winter, ice etc.. it's hunters season. Well riding a nature while passing groups of hunters pointing at duck above your head is like from a cartoon story.