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Running devops workshop in Warsaw

DevOps workshop with Chef At the end of the 2015 I was asked by IBM colleague from Poland who is leading a team of Java developers to develop and deliver a DevOps workshop. I took a challenge and delivered March 9-10 in Warsaw personally. The slides from the event are available at: http://slides.com/petrmichalec/devops-workshop Agenda At first quite challenge as the DevOps topic is so wide, right? Finally I narrowed agenda to some “devops” discussion, Chef.…

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DevOps Kung-fu workshop

Work in progress… I am now working on DevOps workshop that would show up Chef, Consul, Docker possibilities in DEV and orchestration together with KitchenCI and InSpec testing and auditing. As a first stage I created my own version for DevOps kung-fu presentation: http://slides.com/petrmichalec/epcim-devops-cult DevOpsKungFu presentation Note: this was originaly presented by Adam Jacob / CTO of Chef / @adamhjk - http://github.com/chef/devops-kungfu. Worth to watch youtube stream BTW.…

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